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What is an ETF and how does it work?

Jim Watts
143 Subscribers

ETFs have grown in popularity over the last decade, but what exactly are they and how do they work?

In this video we will explain what an exchange traded fund is, their benefits and how you can invest in them.

An ETF fund is a type of investment fund that is similar to a traditional managed fund. You can buy and trade them on the stock exchange like any other share. If you like to learn more you can read our article - https://www.betashares.com.au/....education-investors/

Subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/user/BetaShares for more information about ETFs, investing and portfolio construction.

Or visit BetaShares explains is the place where we break down everything investing and ETF industry related. https://www.youtube.com/@UCRBKoGUXBeQcvBZq-cPBbZg

Watch these tutorials next for more useful info:

- ETF Trading Tips - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgSLPo1HIAI&list=PLGWC4-pD7lPrmzTaNwjmKdlcpt6IBxgHL&index=4

- Start investing in ETFs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SHNdNo1TL4

- Liquidity ETF 101 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWZht9B9Oko&list=PLGWC4-pD7lPrmzTaNwjmKdlcpt6IBxgHL&index=2

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