health and wellness

Gerald Bennett
13 Views ยท 5 months ago

Discover the transformative power of LiveGood Super Greens! Experience enhanced energy, improved health, and irresistible taste with every sip. Dive in now!

Let's dive headfirst into the emerald depths of LiveGood Super Greens, a potion so potent, it might just be the elixir of life we've all been secretly yearning for. Picture this: a blend so rich, each sip is akin to frolicking in the freshest, dew-kissed meadows at dawn. This isn't just another supplement; it's a rebellion against the mundane, an uprising in the realm of health and vitality.

From the very first gulp, LiveGood Super Greens doesn't just whisper but roars its presence into your life. It's like flipping a switch inside you didn't even know existed. Suddenly, that mid-afternoon slump feels like a myth, and the energy you've been chasing with countless cups of coffee is now coursing through your veins, natural and unbridled. But how, you ask? The secret lies in its meticulously curated concoction of ingredients, a veritable cornucopia of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all stealthily working in concert to not just nudge but catapult your health onto a trajectory previously unimagined.

Imagine, if you will, a day that starts not with groans but with gusto. The LiveGood Super Greens isn't just a drink; it's a morning ritual, a sacred pact with your body. With each serving, you're not just nourishing your physical self but also sowing seeds of wellness that germinate throughout the day. The blend is so potent, so vibrant, that even the most persistent of ailments seem to quiver in its presence. Digestive woes, skin issues, and even that ever-elusive mental clarity you've been seeking start to find resolution, as if the greens are a key unlocking doors you didn't know were closed.

But here's the kicker: the allure of LiveGood Super Greens isn't just in its health benefits. It's in the taste, too. This isn't a gulp-and-wince situation; it's a savor-the-flavor journey. Each sip is a reminder that what's good for you can also taste divine. It's a daily dose of delicious defiance against those who've proclaimed that health comes at the cost of taste.

Now, let's not gloss over the elephant in the roomโ€”the skepticism. We've all been there, standing in the aisle, eyeing a product that promises the moon and the stars. "But will it work for me?" you wonder. Here's where LiveGood Super Greens stands tall. It doesn't just promise; it delivers. And not in a subtle, might-miss-it-if-you-blink kind of way. The changes manifest, palpable and potent. It's not just about feeling good; it's about radiating wellness, from the inside out.

So, why LiveGood Super Greens, you ask? Because it's not merely a supplement; it's a lifestyle, a statement, a choice to not just live but live well. It's for those who've dared to dream of a life where vitality isn't a luxury but a given. It's for you, the bold, the seekers of zest and zeal. Dive into the verdant vigor of LiveGood Super Greens and watch as your life transforms, one vibrant sip at a time.

#LiveGoodSuperGreens #GreenRevolution #HealthTransformation

Gerald Bennett
14 Views ยท 6 months ago

Discover the transformative power of the LiveGood International Wellness Pack, a revolution in holistic health that promises vitality, vigor, and a vibrant life.

Imagine stepping into a realm where your wellbeing isn't just an afterthoughtโ€”it's the main event. This isn't just a fantasy; it's a tangible reality with the LiveGood International Wellness Pack. In a world where quick fixes and fleeting trends dominate the wellness industry, LiveGood dares to be different. This wellness pack isn't just a product; it's a gateway to an enriched life, where vitality and vigor are within arm's reach. Let's dive deep into the essence of this wellness elixir and uncover why it's not just another health fad, but a revolution in holistic health.

At the heart of LiveGood's ethos is a commitment to purity, potency, and integrity. Each component of the Wellness Pack is meticulously curated to address the multifaceted needs of the modern individual. From boosting immune health to enhancing mental clarity, from improving digestive function to supporting heart health, this pack covers the wellness spectrum with precision and passion. But what sets it apart from the endless sea of health supplements? It's the story behind each ingredientโ€”a tale of sustainability, ethical sourcing, and unwavering quality.

Picture this: a morning routine transformed by the potent nutrients of the LiveGood Wellness Pack. It's not just about swallowing a pill; it's about igniting a revolution within your body, one that champions resilience and radiance. Each sip, each capsule, is a pledge to your health, a vow to nurture your body with the respect and care it deserves. Imagine the energy, the sheer joy of living that comes from a well-nourished body. This isn't a distant dream; it's the immediate impact of integrating LiveGood's Wellness Pack into your life.

But let's not just paint a picture of perfection without acknowledging the skeptics. In an era of skepticism, where claims are met with raised eyebrows, LiveGood stands tall with transparency. The proof isn't just in the promising testimonials or the glossy brochures; it's in the science, the rigorous testing, and the transparent disclosure of every ingredient. This is a wellness journey backed by trust, where each step forward is a step towards undeniable health benefits.

Now, let's weave in a narrative thatโ€™s all too familiar. Imagine John, a middle-aged man juggling the demands of work, family, and his own personal struggles with health. For years, he's been on the lookout for a wellness solution that's both effective and easy to integrate into his hectic lifestyle. Enter the LiveGood Wellness Pack. It wasn't just another addition to his daily regimen; it was a transformation. Within weeks, John noticed a surge in his energy levels, a clarity of mind that he hadn't experienced in years, and an overall sense of wellbeing that he had almost given up on. This isn't just John's story; it's the story of countless individuals who have discovered the power of LiveGood.

In the grand tapestry of wellness, the LiveGood International Wellness Pack is not just a thread; it's a vibrant, unbreakable cord that ties together the essence of true health. It's a testament to the fact that when it comes to our health, compromise isn't an option. This wellness pack is more than a product; it's a partner in your journey towards a life brimming with health, happiness, and harmony.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, let's not lose sight of what truly mattersโ€”our health. The LiveGood International Wellness Pack isn't just an investment in your physical wellbeing; it's an investment in your quality of life. It's time to break free from the constraints of mediocre health and step into a world where vitality is your reality. This is your moment to discover the power of LiveGood and transform your life in ways you never thought possible.

To order your LiveGood International Wellness Pack or any of their other great products head over to

Affiliate Disclosure: This article and its content may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote and recommend products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

Gerald Bennett
16 Views ยท 7 months ago

Ben Glinsky - LiveGood CEO shares some shocking info re essential oil prices, and how some of our competitors are taking their customers for a ride. Time to make the switch folks, LiveGood's essential oils will be shipping soon Monday 8th January 2024, so get ready to get premium grade essential oils for a fraction of what you've been used to!

To shop our awesome range of products head over to
Our normal retail prices already offer a saving but if you join our monthly club membership you'll see that membership has its advantages with up to 75% off!

Interested in earning from high quality nutritional products?
Take the free tour now to find out what close to 1 million members already know about LiveGood's awesome products and the benefits of our club membership.... you won't regret it. Click the link for more info

18 Views ยท 8 months ago

A Flat Monthly Membership Equals Free Prescriptions For Everyone!

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Jim Watts
17 Views ยท 10 months ago

This weeks episode entitled 'World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith' topics:

0:00 Intro
00:58 What made you want to help people?
05:32 How did a therapist make it onto tiktok?
14:13 Dealing with rejection
23:46 The consequences of having a big platform
32:11 Having the right values & goals
39:04 How do we make meaningful change?
40:36 How do I change my mood?
42:46 How important is sleep?
45:12 How to stay motivated
48:09 What is the cure for overload?
51:23 The balance of embracing emotions vs ignoring them
54:32 The stigma around addressing a situation
01:00:41 How do you build confidence
01:03:21 How important is it to not make decisions in high emotion moments?
01:07:32 Building self esteem by having a good relationship with failure
01:12:36 Using our breathing to manage anxiety
01:20:53 Is it important to understand weโ€™re going to die?
01:24:39 The importance of relationships
01:32:07 Are you happy?
01:33:33 The last guest question

Julieโ€™s book:


Listen on:
Apple podcast -
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Huel -

Gerald Bennett
17 Views ยท 10 months ago

Why will MPs not attent this essential debate???????????????????

Week ending 15 September 2023 (Week 37)

Deaths registered in the UK was 11,688, which was 2.9% above the five-year average (330 excess deaths)

UK, + 36,316

Hungary, - 3,183

USA, 147,828

Poland, - 456

Australia, + 9,992

Canada, + 3,954

Netherlands, + 9,002

New Zealand, + 2,804

Sweden, - 1,082

Denmark, + 1,895

Gerald Bennett
31 Views ยท 10 months ago

If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023.

More useful links from James; (worldwide) (USA)
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James Roguski

Gerald Bennett
29 Views ยท 10 months ago

#livegoodsuperreds #livegoodnutitionalproducts #superreds
To purchase head to โฃ
Membership for $9.95 per month gets you our Members only pricing saving up to 75% off normal RRP.
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โฃThe Importance of Eating Red Berries Daily

Red berries are a delicious and nutritious way to boost your health. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help protect your body from disease and promote overall health and well-being.

Here are some of the benefits of eating red berries:

Improved heart health: Red berries are a good source of anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that can help protect the heart from damage. They have also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Stronger immune system: Red berries are a good source of vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient for the immune system. They can help to boost the production of white blood cells and fight off infection.

Reduced inflammation: Red berries are a good source of antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is linked to a number of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Protect against cancer: Red berries contain compounds that have been shown to protect against cancer. For example, ellagic acid, a compound found in raspberries, has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Improved cognitive function: Red berries are a good source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the brain from damage. They have also been shown to improve memory and cognitive function.

Boosted energy levels: Red berries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C, which can help to boost energy levels. They also contain natural sugars that can give you a quick energy boost.

Healthy skin: Red berries are a good source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage. They have also been shown to improve skin hydration and elasticity.

How to Get Enough Red Berries in Your Diet

The best way to get enough red berries in your diet is to eat them fresh. However, you can also get them frozen, dried, or in juice form. If you are not able to eat enough red berries, you can also take a red berry supplement.

LiveGood's Super Reds

LiveGood's Super Reds is a high-quality supplement that is made with a blend of 9 organic red berries, including:

Aronia berries
Grape seed extract
Hawthorn berry
Oat grass juice
Wheatgrass juice

This blend of red berries provides a powerful boost of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help promote overall health and well-being. LiveGood's Super Reds is also vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

How to Take LiveGood's Super Reds

LiveGood's Super Reds can be taken once or twice daily. The recommended dosage is 1 scoop mixed with water or juice. You can take it with or without food.


Red berries are a delicious and nutritious way to boost your health. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help protect your body from disease and promote overall health and well-being. LiveGood's Super Reds is a convenient and effective way to get the benefits of red berries without having to eat them fresh.

If you are looking for a way to improve your health, I recommend adding LiveGood's Super Reds to your daily routine. You can find it online at our LiveGood store Retail Price $29.95 - Member Price $18.00 Click To Purchase

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This article and its description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

Gerald Bennett
21 Views ยท 11 months ago

To buy the products;
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#LiveGoodSuperGreens #GetYourDailyGreens #LiveGoodOpportunity #LiveCompensationPlan "LiveGood - Our Super Greens Are So Good You Will Want To Take Them With You! "

In this video, "LiveGood - Our Super Greens Are So Good You Will Want To Take Them With You!" We will go over the fact you get the best grade of nutritional products with LiveGood backed up by their 90 day Money Back Guarantee even on an empty bottle!!

Are you simply looking for the best nutritional supplements at the best price, or are you looking to earn a part or full time income from sharing the products and opportunity with others? If you have been searching for a product-based company, LiveGood stands out from the rest.

They offer a great program and products for both members and customers, without inflated pricing to benefit only the high earners. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with all things LiveGood. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in the world and transforming lives!

DISCLAIMER REGARDING EARNINGS: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a guarantee that you will earn any money by using the techniques and ideas mentioned. This is not financial advice and your level of success will depend on your hard work and dedication. We have taken steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that the website(s) mentioned are free from errors. You agree that you will not rely solely on the information provided in this video.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and its description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

LiveGood - Our Super Greens Are So Good You Will Want To Take Them With You!, LiveGood - Nutrient Fact - Collagen Peptides NEW for 2023, LiveGood Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee, LiveGood What's It All About?, LiveGood compensation plan, LiveGood training, LiveGood mlm, LiveGood products, LiveGood scam, LiveGood opportunity, how to join LiveGood, join LiveGood affiliate program, LiveGood update, LiveGood powerline, LiveGood company, LiveGood network marketing, LiveGood leadership, LiveGood supplements, LiveGood health, LiveGood success, LiveGood team building, LiveGood distributor, LiveGood income opportunity, LiveGood business growth, LiveGood training programs, LiveGood community, LiveGood family, LiveGood culture, Gez Bennett.
#livegoodopportunity #Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee #LiveGood - Nutrient Fact - Collagen Peptides NEW for 2023 #LiveGoodWhat'sItAl About? #livegoodopportunity #LiveGoodNetworkMarketing #LiveGoodCompensationPlan #LiveGoodLeadership #LiveGoodProducts #LiveGoodSupplements #LiveGoodHealth #LiveGoodSuccess #LiveGoodTeamBuilding #LiveGoodDistributor #LiveGoodIncomeOpportunity #LiveGoodBusinessGrowth #LiveGoodTrainingPrograms #LiveGoodCommunity #LiveGoodFamily #LiveGoodCulture #GezBennett


Gerald Bennett
24 Views ยท 11 months ago

#livegoodsuperreds #BioActiveCompleteMultiVitamin #LiveGoodOpportunity #LiveCompensationPlan
To buy the products; To become an affiliate/member - ttps:// "LiveGood - Heart Fact - Caring For Your Heart - Are You Taking Your Daily Reds?"

In this video, "LiveGood - Heart Fact - Caring For Your Heart - Are You Taking Your Daily Reds?" We will go over the fact you get the best grade of nutritional products with LiveGood backed up by their 90 day Money Back Guarantee even on an empty bottle!! Are you simply looking for the best nutritional supplements at the best price, or are you looking to earn a part or full time income from sharing the products and opportunity with others? If you have been searching for a product-based company, LiveGood stands out from the rest.

They offer a great program and products for both members and customers, without inflated pricing to benefit only the high earners. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with all things LiveGood. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in the world and transforming lives!

DISCLAIMER REGARDING EARNINGS: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a guarantee that you will earn any money by using the techniques and ideas mentioned. This is not financial advice and your level of success will depend on your hard work and dedication. We have taken steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that the website(s) mentioned are free from errors. You agree that you will not rely solely on the information provided in this video.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and its description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

LiveGood - Heart Fact - Caring For Your Heart - Are You Taking Your Daily Reds?, LiveGood Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee, LiveGood What's It All About?, LiveGood compensation plan, LiveGood training, LiveGood mlm, LiveGood products, LiveGood scam, LiveGood opportunity, how to join LiveGood, join LiveGood affiliate program, LiveGood update, LiveGood powerline, LiveGood company, LiveGood network marketing, LiveGood leadership, LiveGood supplements, LiveGood health, LiveGood success, LiveGood team building, LiveGood distributor, LiveGood income opportunity, LiveGood business growth, LiveGood training programs, LiveGood community, LiveGood family, LiveGood culture, Gez Bennett. #LiveGoodHeartFact #CaringForYourHeart #AreYouTakingYourDailyReds? #LiveGoodVitamins #BioActiveCompleteMultiVitamin #livegoodopportunity #Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee #LiveGood - Nutrient Fact - Collagen Peptides NEW for 2023 #LiveGoodWhat'sItAl About? #livegoodopportunity #LiveGoodNetworkMarketing #LiveGoodCompensationPlan #LiveGoodLeadership #LiveGoodProducts #LiveGoodSupplements #LiveGoodHealth #LiveGoodSuccess #LiveGoodTeamBuilding #LiveGoodDistributor #LiveGoodIncomeOpportunity #LiveGoodBusinessGrowth #LiveGoodTrainingPrograms #LiveGoodCommunity #LiveGoodFamily #LiveGoodCulture #GezBennett

Gerald Bennett
25 Views ยท 11 months ago

#LiveGoodOrganicSuperReds #UnlockHeartHealth #LiveGoodOpportunity #LiveCompensationPlan "LiveGood Organic Super Reds - Unlock Heart Health and Boost Performance! Must Watch Video " To buy the products; - To become an affiliate/member -

In this video, "LiveGood Organic Super Reds - Unlock Heart Health and Boost Performance! Must Watch Video " LiveGood's Ryan Goodkin discusses the benefits of using Super Reds. We will go over the fact you get the best grade of nutritional products with LiveGood backed up by their 90 day Money Back Guarantee even on an empty bottle!! Are you simply looking for the best nutritional supplements at the best price, or are you looking to earn a part or full time income from sharing the products and opportunity with others?

If you have been searching for a product-based company, LiveGood stands out from the rest. They offer a great program and products for both members and customers, without inflated pricing to benefit only the high earners. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with all things LiveGood. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in the world and transforming lives!

DISCLAIMER REGARDING EARNINGS: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a guarantee that you will earn any money by using the techniques and ideas mentioned. This is not financial advice and your level of success will depend on your hard work and dedication. We have taken steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that the website(s) mentioned are free from errors. You agree that you will not rely solely on the information provided in this video.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and its description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

LiveGood Organic Super Reds - Unlock Heart Health and Boost Performance! Must Watch Video, LiveGood - Nutrient Fact - Collagen Peptides NEW for 2023, LiveGood Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee, LiveGood What's It All About?, LiveGood compensation plan, LiveGood training, LiveGood mlm, LiveGood products, LiveGood scam, LiveGood opportunity, how to join LiveGood, join LiveGood affiliate program, LiveGood update, LiveGood powerline, LiveGood company, LiveGood network marketing, LiveGood leadership, LiveGood supplements, LiveGood health, LiveGood success, LiveGood team building, LiveGood distributor, LiveGood income opportunity, LiveGood business growth, LiveGood training programs, LiveGood community, LiveGood family, LiveGood culture, Gez Bennett. #livegoodopportunity #Discover High Quality Nutritional Products with a Money Back Guarantee #LiveGood - Nutrient Fact - Collagen Peptides NEW for 2023 #LiveGoodOrganicSuperReds #UnlockHeartHealth #livegoodsuperreds #LiveGoodWhat'sItAl About? #livegoodopportunity #LiveGoodNetworkMarketing #LiveGoodCompensationPlan #LiveGoodLeadership #LiveGoodProducts #LiveGoodSupplements #LiveGoodHealth #LiveGoodSuccess #LiveGoodTeamBuilding #LiveGoodDistributor #LiveGoodIncomeOpportunity #LiveGoodBusinessGrowth #LiveGoodTrainingPrograms #LiveGoodCommunity #LiveGoodFamily #LiveGoodCulture #GezBennett

Gerald Bennett
10 Views ยท 11 months ago

โฃโฃ#LiveGood #NewLeadSource #LiveGoodTourPage
"LiveGood - New Lead Source Results: 7 Days And Getting Enrolee's Plus An Upgraded Member | Gez B"
To Join MyLeadGenSecret head over to

To buy the products;

To become an affiliate/member of LiveGood -

In this video, "LiveGood - New Lead Source Results: 7 Days And Getting Enrolee's Plus An Upgraded Member | Gez B" . We will give an update after the first week of trialling the new lead source. Have to see I've been pleasantly surprised at how well its been performing. Literally every day we are getting pre-enrolee's and this week had an instant upgraded member using this service. One of the key things I like is the fact its priced at only $30 per month for 100 new leads each day added to your list, all who are looking for mlm, work from home business opportunities so are more likely to be interested in the business side of LiveGood and not just the product side of the company. And looking at the stats we are getting mostly Tier 1 leads re either living in USA, Canada, UK or Australia.

To Join MyLeadGenSecret head over to

If you have been searching for a product-based company, LiveGood stands out from the rest. They offer a great program and products for both members and customers, without inflated pricing to benefit only the high earners. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss!

Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with all things LiveGood. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in the world and transforming lives!

DISCLAIMER REGARDING EARNINGS: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a guarantee that you will earn any money by using the techniques and ideas mentioned. This is not financial advice and your level of success will depend on your hard work and dedication. We have taken steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that the website(s) mentioned are free from errors. You agree that you will not rely solely on the information provided in this video.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and its description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I only promote products that I have personally verified and/or used myself.

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