
Is Your Sales Message Hitting Home?

Some very interesting insights into improving your ad sales copy credit @grammarhippy for sharing his thoughts on this. Worth a minute or two of your time if you are composing your own sales messages..

How to cast a witch-like spell on your readers...

that would FORCE them to read EVERYTHING?

Credit to @grammarhippy 

A master thread ? 
I've built several sales pages that made 6 figures.
The secret sauce?

The reader reads the first sentence..
then "wakes up" from the trance only after purchasing.

There are many techniques to that.
But if to sum it up?

curiosity + remove friction + transitions = trance 
Make the copy easy to check out

If you don't space your sentences and paragraphs correctly?

Your text will look like it's a difficult read.
And if a reader wouldn't wanna check it out?

He wouldn't read it either.

You lost.
He's back to playing pokemon.

Don't let your reader find a place to stop reading.


Write as if your reader has to pee.

- Hooks
- Seeds of curiosity
- Open loops
- Transitions

You didn't?
You lost.
He's back to the endless scroll of Facebook. 

Easiest way? Use this template:

How to ___ without ___

How to write irresistible copy without knowing grammar

Google it for more examples.

Didn't use a hook?
You lost.
He's back to reading my copy - where there is a hook. 

Seeds of curiosity

I'll explain how to use them in a minute but first..

This was a seed of curiosity.
Some more:

- But there's more
- It got worse
- Here's why

You can't stop reading when there's more...

Didn't use a seed? You lost.
He's back to planting seeds in his garden. 
Open loops

This thread is no longer the best thread about copywriting on Twitter.

This is an open loop.
A complete sentence, but incomplete thought.

Makes you wonder - hoping that I'll close the loop.

Didn't use an open loop?
Oops. He's back to Netflix. You lost. 


I'll tell you all about transitions but...

The word "but" was a transition.

And you can also use the word at the beginning of the sentence as I did here...

- but
- so
- and
- plus

Use 'em.
Or else? You lost. He's on Youtube again.

But that's not all.. 
Pronoun hunt

She, he, it, they, them...
Find and replace.

Because a lot of times the reader doesn't understand what you meant.

Mark met Michael.
He told him...

Who told whom?? Who's "he?"

The reader didn't understand? You lost.
He's back to the endless scroll of doom. 
Big word hunt

Look for big words. Complicated words your audience might not understand...

And replace.

Use thesaurus.com if you need help.

Left big words in there? You lost.
He didn't understand you and is now on Google translate for some reason. 

Repeat word hunting

Don't use the same word twice.

Mark ate dinner. He loved what he ate. - WRONG
Mark ate dinner. He enjoyed his eggs. - CORRECT

Don't bore him to death. Don't lose.
He'll go read threads on Twitter instead. 

Remove qualifiers

I got, like, the best Twitter thread in the world.

Remove "like", it weakens the sentence.

- some
- mostly
- could
- partially
- may
- possibly

I'm tired of finding good examples of what your reader will do. Just write good copy M'kay? 
Adverb hunt

Google adverbs. But one example is...

Look for words that end with "LY"
- Extremely
- Nicely
- Amazingly

Replace if possible.

“The room is very messy” -> The room looked like a hurricane came through 
The "I" to "you" formula

It’s okay to talk about yourself in a negative light. It’s bragging that people hate.

You talk about yourself in the negative and when the story turns positive you immediately make it about the reader’s benefits.

“No matter how much time I spent writing, my copy never quite seemed to have that attention gripping edge until…

I started studying Twitter threads written by @grammarhippy and put his editing process into a formula YOU can now use to write world-class copy." 

Technical Jargon

Avoid altogether.

Or use if you need to build authority - then explain.

Don't just leave it as is if there's a chance some readers will not understand what you mean.

Ex: When I use transitions (words that help a reader jump from paragraph to paragraph)... 

Editing for clarity

After you've done all this...
Read your copy again. Out loud.

You're looking for three things.

1. Find long sentences that are difficult to read. Cut them up into two.

2. Perform the "SO WHAT" test

Imagine an uptight, self-centered, no-time CEO... 
Read your copy from his eyes. Ask yourself "SO WHAT?!" at every sentence you read.

If the answer is No Bueno - remove or change.

3. Make sure the text is readable.

Transitions, loops and seeds... do they add and make it more fun/more readable? If not - remove. 
Make sure not to overuse every single element.
It will annoy your reader.

Sprinkle them around evenly...
And enjoy the irresistible spell.

Now - my friend - you understand why I say editing is more important than writing.

Anyone can write.

But to edit the text into an irresistible read?
Takes some skill.



Paul Saisal

1 year ago
Yeah thanks for sharing this piece of info
0 0 Reply

Jim Watts

1 year ago
nice read i 100% need to brush up on my skills :-)
1 0 Reply
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